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Jefferson Literary and Debating Society

The oldest student organization at the University of Virginia

“the faculties of the mind are excited by collision” – Our Oath

The Jefferson Literary and Debating Society is the oldest student-run organization at the University of Virginia. The Jefferson Society is a club where speech, literature, and topics of interest are discussed in good company and with lively spirit. We believe we learn and grow best when our opinions are challenged in open discussion with members of other ideologies and backgrounds.

Undergraduate and graduate students, regardless of study, are  invited to join the Society. The Jefferson Society has served as an intellectual home for a future U.S. president, senators, a Nobel Laureate, world-famous poets, journalists, and many more. We gather on Friday nights at 7:29pm in Hotel C, West Range to deliver speeches on our favorite topics, debate pressing matters, discuss literature, and have a good time with new and old friends.

We are a lot more than our meetings. Each semester, you can find us hosting formals, competing in Field Day against other student organizations, grabbing dinner on the Corner, and much more. There are many ways to experience the Society during your time at the University, and we welcome you to interview with us at the beginning of each semester and attend our frequent public events.